Finding the correct medication to help treat autoimmune diseases like ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis can be challenging. Medication affects each person differently and each specific malady may not be the same.

One thing, however, that does appear to help is reducing stress. In fact, stress often triggers flare-ups of autoimmune conditions.

Richmond Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has five ways that you may be able to better manage these symptoms and flare-ups by trying to keep stress levels in check.

  1. Meditating

Focused mediation can keep your mind occupied and away from the things that may cause stress. It’s also easier more than ever to do so with smartphone apps to guide you through the process. Popular ones include Headspace, Calk, and Insight Timer.

  1. Stretching or Yoga

Yoga is something that everyone should be doing for both mental and physical health. Keeping yourself flexible can prevent falls later in life. If you’re wary of starting yoga, just making sure that you have a solid stretching regimen will go along way towards getting the blood flowing and helping with potential mobility issues.

  1. Tai Chi

Tai chi is also an exercise practice that can improve muscles, flexibility, and blood flow. Studies also show that it can improve the quality of life for people with multiple sclerosis.

  1. Controlled Breathing

If meditating seems too daunting, start with controlled breathing exercises. There are also apps to help guide you through this process, such as Breathwrk and iBreathe.

  1. Get Active

You can see from the previous items in this list that moving the body and getting physical exercise is a key towards mental health as well. Improving strength and your cardiovascular ability makes your brain feel good as well, and can cut down on how stress negatively affects you.


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