Routine ways of life have been transformed to some extent for every American. One trip to the supermarket shows that things are certainly different now, albeit temporarily. 

In order to limit your trips out during this uncertain time, take stock of what can be purchased and frozen so maybe that trip to the grocery store can be done every other week instead of weekly. 

With that in mind, Richmond Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has five things you can buy to stock up your freezer.

  1. Fresh Meat

Experts say that seafood, poultry, and beef hold well in a freezer for typically a few months. This is advice that can be followed at any time: take advantage of sales and freeze the meat that you won’t use quickly. 

  1. Bread

It seems like bread would harden in the freezer, but it won’t get stale in a frozen state, so once allowed to thaw, it will be just like having a fresh loaf again. 

  1. Milk

Milk will also retain its freshness in the freezer. Be careful if you decide to freeze cheese or yogurt, however. While they will still be fresh when thawed, their consistency will change. It’s only advised to freeze these items if you’re using yogurt for a smoothie or cheese in a recipe.

  1. Fruits and Vegetables

Frozen fruits and vegetables have been found to retain as many nutrients as their fresh counterparts.

  1. Prepackaged Meals

These are good to have in a pinch, but be sure to check the labels. Many prepackaged foods are packed with sodium to serve as a preservative. 

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